domains Responsibility in 3D: Distributor, Dealer, Domain You have a domain, we have a trademark. Or a tale about how distributors put themselves on the hook because of brands in domains.
Open source Buy Gus a Beer! Or About the Beer-ware License The short review made by Denis Dorotenko on the Beer-ware license. A brief history, the citations from its author, why its revision is 42, the similar licenses (hug-ware, tequila-ware and so on).
translation Responsibility FAQ for Exploiting Software Vulnerabilities in Russia Legal risks and liability (in accordance with Russian laws) of identifying vulnerabilities in third-party software without its owner's consent.
domains Collections of Court Decisions. Such Different Domain Disputes Here you can find a good compilation of domains disputes in Russia, grouped on the basis of different types of violations and compensations.
Reverse engineering Software Reverse Engineering and Russian Law On software reverse engineering under Russian law: analysis of legal norms, contractual practice and court practice in Russia.
Court practice Featured Court Chronicles. Blizzard Entertainment Find out about an intense judicial life of a well-known producer of hits in the world of computer games – the company "Blizzard Entertainment".
domains "Cultural" Domain Disputes in Russia The review of domain disputes in Russia initiated by The Bolshoi Theatre, the Mariinsky Theatre, the Mikhailovsky Theatre, the N.P. Akimov Comedy Theatre.
Copyright Featured The Author's Right to Their Name A short list of cases related to art. 1265 of the Russian Federation Civil Code: how to attribute authorship, court practice, anonymous use, what specify in labor contracts.
Getting Started Featured How to START Localizing End-User Documents How to localize a web-service's end-user documents. A practical guide provided by legal team at START.
domains Administrators of Domain Names as the Defendants in Domain Disputes This article explains, for what actions a person (who is a domain name administrator) may be found liable and forced to pay a compensation in Russia.
Court practice Three Billboards on the Border of the ASGM Review of three court cases in Russia in respect to movies production.
Open source Open-Source Software: Getting the Legal ‘OK’ Glad to announce my yet another publication. It is about how to supervise (from the legal point of view) the process of computer programs code releases into public access as a source code, what tips and tricks are useful for legal counsels, and how they can mitigate possible legal risks.
domains How to Use Yandex DataLens for Court Cases The analytics of domain names disputes in Russia as the use case of Yandex DataLnes for court practice analysis (as a part of the DataContest webinar).
domains Domain Names Disputes: How to Get the Most Compensation in Russian Courts The analysis of Russian court practice on domain disputes. It made possible from my own Kardamon.Dm database and identifies factors that could directly affect the amount of compensation awarded in favor of the plaintiffs.
Open source OpenChain Specification 2.0 in Russian (draft) Good news for OpenChain community in Russia. As you can remember, I have translated OpenChain Specification 1.2. in 2018. Time is going, and The OpenChain Project was announced version 2.0 of the specification for open source compliance in the supply chain. The time has come, and I was
Court practice Domain Names Disputes in Russia Glad to announce that English summary of the article "So different domain disputes. On compensations" published in "Bulletin of economic justice" is available now! You can find it here: Domain name disputes in Russia: how to get the most compensation in court at World Trademark Review.
domains Domains Disputes Analytics Kardamon.Premium is a unique collection of court decisions related to domain names in Russia. Find out the cases related to .RU, .COM, .ORG, .NET domain zones.