Open source Buy Gus a Beer! Or About the Beer-ware License The short review made by Denis Dorotenko on the Beer-ware license. A brief history, the citations from its author, why its revision is 42, the similar licenses (hug-ware, tequila-ware and so on).
translation Responsibility FAQ for Exploiting Software Vulnerabilities in Russia Legal risks and liability (in accordance with Russian laws) of identifying vulnerabilities in third-party software without its owner's consent.
Reverse engineering Software Reverse Engineering and Russian Law On software reverse engineering under Russian law: analysis of legal norms, contractual practice and court practice in Russia.
Лекции Мои лекции на курсе Software Lawyer Приглашаю на свои лекции (курс Software Lawyer в апреле 2021). Модификация, адаптация, реверс-инжиниринг ПО, программные уязвимости.
Open source Open-Source Software: Getting the Legal ‘OK’ Glad to announce my yet another publication. It is about how to supervise (from the legal point of view) the process of computer programs code releases into public access as a source code, what tips and tricks are useful for legal counsels, and how they can mitigate possible legal risks.