domains Collections of Court Decisions. Such Different Domain Disputes Here you can find a good compilation of domains disputes in Russia, grouped on the basis of different types of violations and compensations.
domains "Cultural" Domain Disputes in Russia The review of domain disputes in Russia initiated by The Bolshoi Theatre, the Mariinsky Theatre, the Mikhailovsky Theatre, the N.P. Akimov Comedy Theatre.
domains Administrators of Domain Names as the Defendants in Domain Disputes This article explains, for what actions a person (who is a domain name administrator) may be found liable and forced to pay a compensation in Russia.
Court practice Domain Names Disputes in Russia Glad to announce that English summary of the article "So different domain disputes. On compensations" published in "Bulletin of economic justice" is available now! You can find it here: Domain name disputes in Russia: how to get the most compensation in court at World Trademark Review.