My legal experience: information security

Hi there! Here you can find a little bit info about my work experience and skills related to such beautiful crossing of law and technologies as information security. Feel free to call me for any related issues and do not forget to check my blog on new posts about infosec.

Work experience

A 10+ years everyday work experience with intellectual property. A part of this work is related to information security. In respect of it, the are several examples of such my work:

  • outsourcing agreements: drafting (software audit review) and negotiating
  • confidential info leakage prevention: set up the internal process to decrease the risks of confidential info leakage in case of open source releases (see the details in my materials from OSS Japan & Automotive Linux Summit 2018)
  • legal defence of White hats interests: help to get a reward for the provided services (claims drafting, consultations on product owner's bug bounty and HackerOne agreements, complex negotiations)
  • corporate documents: internal policies on data regulation and protection, commercial secrets policies, help to launch PDCA algorithm of management


Reviews and recommendations on my legal work in this area see at my LinkedIn profile. Any questions and proposals to work, collaborate or find the right answers send me here.